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Английский Этимологический словарь - forget


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- O.E. forgytan, from for- "away, amiss, opposite" + gietan "get." Forget-me-not is 1532, from O.Fr. ne m'oubliez mye; the flower was supposed to ensure that those wearing it should never be forgotten by their lovers.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  past tense forgot past participle forgotten ~ v 1 »FACTS/INFORMATION« to be unable to remember facts, information, or something that happened in the past  (I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name.) + (that)  (Don't forget that it's Sarah's birthday on Tuesday.) + abou  (Charles seems to have forgotten about what happened.) + how/what/when/why etc  (Natalie managed to forget where she'd parked the car.) 2 »STH YOU MUST DO« to not remember to do something that you have to do  ("Did you remember to post that letter?" "Oh, sorry, I forgot." | forget to do sth)  (Someone's forgotten to turn off their headlights. | forget (that))  (I forgot that I was supposed to come in early this morning. | clean forget (=completely forget))  (He meant to invite Monica to the party but he clean forgot.) 3 »STOP THINKING ABOUT« to try to stop thinking and worrying about someone or something that makes you unhappy  (Years after their divorce Olivia still could not forget John.) + abou  (I'd forget about it if I were you.) 4 »NOT CARE ABOUT« to not care about or give attention to someone or something + abou  (Don't go off to college and forget about your old friends, okay?) 5 »STOP A PLAN« to stop trying to do something because it no longer seems possible + abou  (We'll have to forget about going on holiday. | If we can't get any funding we might as well forget the whole thing.) 6 not forgetting used to add something to a list of things  (Bear in mind that we have to pay for all the packaging and transportation costs, not forgetting airport taxes.) 7 forget yourself to do something stupid or embarrassing, especially by losing control of your emotions  (Veronica was worried that she might forget herself and confess her true feelings for him.) 8 don't forget a) used to remind someone to do something  (We need bread, milk, and eggs. Don't forget now, will you? | don't forget to do sth)  (Don't forget to lock the place up when you leave.) b) used to remind someone about an important fact or detail that they should consider  (The kids...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (forgets, forgetting, forgot, forgotten) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you forget something or forget how to do something, you cannot think of it or think how to do it, although you knew it or knew how to do it in the past. Sometimes I improvise and change the words because I forget them... She forgot where she left the car and it took us two days to find it. ? remember VERB: V n, V wh 2. If you forget something or forget to do it, you fail to think about it or fail to remember to do it, for example because you are thinking about other things. She never forgets her daddy’s birthday... She forgot to lock her door one day and two men got in... Don’t forget that all dogs need a supply of fresh water to drink... She forgot about everything but the sun and the wind and the salt spray. ? remember VERB: V n, V to-inf, V that, V about n 3. If you forget something that you had intended to bring with you, you do not bring it because you did not think about it at the right time. Once when we were going to Paris, I forgot my passport. VERB: V n, also V about n 4. If you forget something or someone, you deliberately put them out of your mind and do not think about them any more. I hope you will forget the bad experience you had today... I found it very easy to forget about Sumner... She tried to forget that sometimes she heard them quarrelling. VERB: V n, V about n, V that 5. You say ‘Forget it’ in reply to someone as a way of telling them not to worry or bother about something, or as an emphatic way of saying no to a suggestion. (SPOKEN) ‘Sorry, Liz. I think I was a bit rude to you.’—‘Forget it, but don’t do it again!’... ‘You want more?’ roared Claire. ‘Forget it, honey.’ CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 6. You say not forgetting a particular thing or person when you want to include them in something that you have already talked about. The first thing is to support as many shows as one can, not forgetting the small...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (forgot; forgotten or -got; -getting)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English forgietan, from for- + -gietan (akin to Old Norse geta to get)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to lose the remembrance of ; be unable to think of or recall I ~ his name  b. obsolete to cease from doing  2. to treat with inattention or disregard forgot their old friends  3.  a. to disregard intentionally ; overlook — usually used in the imperative I shouldn't have said that, so just ~ it  b. to give up hope for or expectation of — usually used in the imperative as for prompt service, ~ it  intransitive verb  1. to cease remembering or noticing forgive and ~  2. to fail to become mindful at the proper time forgot about paying the bill  Synonyms: see neglect  • ~ter noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. (forgetting; past forgot; past part. forgotten or esp. US forgot) 1 tr. & (often foll. by about) intr. lose the remembrance of; not remember (a person or thing). 2 tr. (foll. by clause or to + infin.) not remember; neglect (forgot to come; forgot how to do it). 3 tr. inadvertently omit to bring or mention or attend to. 4 tr. (also absol.) put out of mind; cease to think of (forgive and forget). Phrases and idioms forget-me-not any plant of the genus Myosotis, esp. M. alpestris with small yellow-eyed bright blue flowers. forget oneself 1 neglect one's own interests. 2 act unbecomingly or unworthily. Derivatives forgettable adj. forgetter n. Etymology: OE forgietan f. WG (as FOR-, GET) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. забывать, не помнить don't forget about it —- не забудьте об этом you must not forget that ... —- вы должны помнить, что... I forgot how to do it —- я забыл, как это делается I always forget dates —- я никогда не помню дат never to be forgotten —- незабываемый 2. упустить (из виду) to forget to do smth. —- забыть сделать что-л. the following names were forgotten in drawing up the list —- при составлении списка были пропущены следующие имена 3. пренебречь, не оценить должным образом to forget one's duties —- небрежно относиться к своим обязанностям to forget old friends —- забывать старых друзей don't forget the waiter —- не забудь официанта; дай официанту на чай 4. забыть (где-л.), оставить to forget one's keys —- забыть ключи (дома) Id: to forget oneself —- забывать о себе, думая только о других; забываться, вести себя неподобающим образом; забываться, терять сознание Id: forget it! —- не стоит об этом говорить!, не за что!; не стоит благодарности!; (тогда) нам не о чем больше говорить; разговор кончен; все равно не договоримся Id: eaten bread is soon forgotten —- посл. забыть хлеб-соль; добро быстро забывается ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v. past forgot; past part. forgotten забывать to forget oneself -  а) забывать себя, думая только о других;  б) забыться;  в) забываться, вести себя недостойно forget it! - не обращайте внимания!, пустяки!; не стоит благодарности!, пожалуйста! Syn: neglect, omit, overlook Ant: find, remember ...
Англо-русский словарь


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